When life takes the wind out of your sails,
it is to test you at the oars.
~ Robert Breault
I’d like to paint you a picture …
It is July 2012. An excited, yet tad apprehensive, 40 something year old bright eyed woman is, for the first time, turning the key in a lock that enters into an empty 900 square foot studio. Behind her a strong, firm hand gently lies on her shoulder and guides her through the door. She’s holding a laptop while he’s following with a rickety old card table and a folding chair. She has big
ideas of creating a design firm that is different than the others, a firm that designs livable luxury spaces and an experience that is unsurpassed. She spins around quickly spewing ideas and dreams so fast he can barely understand her. He smiles lovingly at her and leans the table and chair against the wall. He then wraps his arms around her. The energy that she exudes is infectious….

Truly, THAT is how LDD Interiors began almost eight years ago! Today that 900 square foot studio in Durham, CT has morphed into a 2,800 square foot studio in Middlefield, CT and a second 2,000 square foot studio in Naples, FL. Sometimes it feels surreal!

We’ve now entered into a very challenging time in our country and our industry. In Connecticut effective Monday March 23 at 8 pm, all nonessential businesses are required to close their public offices. I expect Florida will be following shortly. I will, of course, follow and do what is asked of us. It is for the greater good of our country and my fellow citizens.
Even though there is a lot of uncertainty in our lives right now, there are still things I am certain of…
We will without question make it through this. We’re experiencing a new normal that is uncomfortable and at times upsetting. In this, I am finding newfound faith every day.
Your homes are changing. They are no longer where we just live; they now may include a classroom, office, and/or virtual conference rooms.
Your environment drives your psychological well-being. It is vitally important that we feel good about what is around us.
Your design team at LDD Interiors is still here for you. We are very comfortable working long distance and will do so for you. You can expect our same unsurpassed service for your design needs in these challenging times. This week we will be rolling out some simple cost- effective programs to continue to assist in your design needs. Stay tuned, I really think you’re going to love them!
I know our world will be a different place after this chapter of COVID-19 is behind us. I expect we will be closer than ever before; I believe we will find less divisiveness. After all, we are forced to come together to fight this common enemy. I foresee a kinder nation. We will watch out for each other and be less judgmental. This virus doesn’t choose based on age, gender, race, or political affiliations…and I expect that we will be a country that supports small businesses and American made products more than ever.
Here’s a promise I will make to each of you. While it is important for you to know what services LDD Interiors can offer you, I will not fill your email feed with an exorbitant amount of updates on our services. What I will do is share with you enjoyable lifestyle reads. Expect more like last week’s blog on our favorite kitchens, “Life is what we create”.
So, as we roll and tie down the sails, join me in flexing our muscles and rowing those oars (Ironically there can be something very soothing about rowing).
Keep the faith, stay strong … and wash your hands!